


MG3 Music Cloud is an enriched white label online streaming service built to serve listeners around the world supporting a wide range of platforms (e g. smartphone, smart TV, web).

To maximize scalability while offering high availability at the same time the core solution is operating under Microsoft Azure Cloud, where backend, application services and web sites are being hosted.

Music is transmitted onto customer devices from CDN streaming endpoints. These endpoints may be either deployed locally as close as possible to customers or our CDN endpoint hosting service can be used instead to deploy streaming capability quickly and efficiently serving music to millions of devices at the same time.

Running a MG3 Music Cloud based music service is the simplest most cost effective way to provide a flexible, easily customizable, yet very stable cross platform 360° solution for your customers.

Client apps & supported devices

The advantage of our technological approach lies in the capability to stream music onto any type of internet connected device using a dedicated application developed by the same team responsible for continuous development of our core service. Be it a smartphone, tablet, smart TV or other purpose built devices such as gaming platforms, in-store devices or even car audio systems. You name it we deliver it.

Major platforms and vendors supported:

Through the separation of the system core and application visualization each of our solution is easily brandable, customizable if necessary. The default applications were designed by our UX experts offering a feature rich yet usable interface covering most of the end user needs while providing seamless navigation optimized fine-tuned for each platform separately.

MG3 Cloud Music also offers an API for software developer partners and device makers to integrate our solution into their services quickly and effortlessly.

The Listening Experience

Besides the main technological advantages of our service we also focus on providing the best possible listening experience by helping our partners entertain their listeners and acquire as well as maintain the largest number of customers possible.

As being music enthusiasts ourselves we have our custom in-house developed music recommendation engine combining user specific information with content based suggestion methods. The engine prepares moods (radio channels) by taking into account countless aspects of customer preference and activity (including their social activity); artist popularity and similarity; music listings and many more. This constant process ensures that music discovery is there: customers can not only find their favorite artists and tracks but meet new, previously unknown music which they will possibly like.

Extended features

Exploiting the possibilities lying in customers’ social networks for communication, marketing and other purposes is a must for any company and product. MG3 Music is tightly integrated with Facebook the leading social network of the world. It is also possible to integrate the service with other social networks as well such as Google+, Twitter or LinkedIN.

Thanks to the analytical and reporting capabilities and the popularity of the music service it can be used for market research purposes effectively. Unless declared otherwise in the terms and conditions of any service we are able to track a broad perspective of the customer data in a safe and anonymous way helping our partners deepen their knowledge about their target audience.

Security plays a key factor in such a service. We adapt to the business needs using fault-tolerant hosting services which offer solution for any possible environmental catastrophe. Protection against unauthorized access or content ingestion, as well as on device content protection or encoded user information management is also part of our service.